Mud Between Your Toes is a memoir about my life - a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. This podcast started as an audio version of the book, but has now evolved into a series of conversations -- mostly of an African theme -- with characters and personalities with stories to tell. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
In the wake of the #RhodesMustFall campaign, I chat to Duncan Clarke, author of Rhodes Ghost and try to get to the bottom of Cecil Rhodes – man, myth, legend or monster?
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 14 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Cecil Rhodes is never far from the news these days. For all the wrong reasons it seems.
His Oxford scholarship legacy, which has been enjoyed by 1000s of students globally, is now controversial and the #RhodesMustFall campaign want his statue torn down at oriel college, Oxford.
It seemed appropriate to dig deeper and invite Duncan Clarke, author of Rhodes Ghost, to talk to me about the man, the myth, the legend and to try and disseminate the truth from the fiction.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #RhodesMustFall #RhodesGhost #CecilJohnRhodes #DuncanClarke #Rhodesia #Zimbabwe #SouthernAfrica #History #Lobengula

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 13 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Rob Parry-Jones is head of WWF Wildlife Crime Programme. He has dedicated his life to combatting illegal trafficking in animals and animal products and the connection between the decimation of protected species, organised crime, and corruption.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #WWF #WildlifeCrime
#TRAFFIC #Trafficking #RobertParryJones #Poaching #Ivory #pangolin #Extinction #RhinoHorn #SharksFin

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 12 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Luke Hunt has covered wars, international politics and economics for Agence France-Presse where he served as bureau chief for Afghanistan and then Cambodia. He has written for The Melbourne Age, The New York Times, The Times of London, The Economist and writes a weekly column on Southeast Asia for The Diplomat. Specialising in counter-terrorism, his broadcasts have appeared regularly on ABC in Australia and on Voice of America and he’s here today to chat to me about his career and his book, Punji Trap – the spy who didn’t love us. Pham Xuan An was a Communist agent whose espionage adventures - under the cover story of a celebrated war correspondent in the Western Media -- were as brilliant for Hanoi as they were shattering for Washington during the tumultuous days of the Vietnam War.
Photo of Luke Hunt (Top Left) by Kim Mordaunt
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes#PeterWood#Petewoodhk #LukeHunt #PunjiTrap #VietnamWar #Vietnam #Journalism #Politics #AFP @Lukeanthonyhunt #book #spies #spy #goodread #indochina #cambodia #PsyOps #Diplomat_APAC #ABC #NYTimesworld #TheEconomist #TheTimes #Reuters

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 11 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Michela Wrong has been writing about Africa for the last 2 decades, reporting for Reuters, the BBC and the FT. She’s the author of 5 books about Africa, including : In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz, a fascinating and extremely readable account about the Zairean dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko.
In this episode, I chat to her about the state of Africa and of course, her latest book, Do Not Disturb: which explores the controversial career of Paul Kagame and the legacy of the Rwandan genocide.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes#PeterWood#Petewoodhk #MichelaWrong #InTheFootstepsOfMrKurtz #DoNotDisturb #Journalism #Politics @FT #FinancialTimes #Reuters @BBCNews #BBCNews #Africa #Rwanda #DRC #Congo #Kagame #MobutuSeseSeko

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 10 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. It was well after midnight on a muggy Shanghai September evening in 2020 when Michael Smith, the Australian Financial Review’s China correspondent, was awoken by the secret police banging on his door.
It would mark the abrupt end of Australian journalism on the ground in China since diplomatic ties were established in 1972.
Speaking from his home in Sydney, Mike talks to me about his evacuation from China, his recently released book, The Last Correspondent and his views on the highly charged atmosphere between Canberra and Beijing.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts. https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes#PeterWood #Petewoodhk#MichaelSmithAuthor #TheLastCorrespondent #TheAustralianFinancialReview #AFR #China #Australia #Journalism #Politics #MikeSmithAFR

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 09 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. I chat to David, Founder and Managing Director for ALL VOICE TALENT – one of Asia’s leading executive voice coaching and voice talent agencies. David talks to me about gravitas, the science of the voice and the role it plays in the corporate world.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood#Petewoodhk
#AllVoiceTalent #DavidPope #Voice #VoiceCoaching

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 08 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Lindsey McAlister, OBE, is the founder of the HONG KONG YOUTH ARTS FOUNDATION. She chats to me about her journey and how the HKYAF has not only helped her see life in a positive way, but also how it helps children manage to adapt in an ever changing world dominated by social media.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood#Petewoodhk
#HKYAF #LindseyMcAlister #Theatre #Art #drama #youth #HongKongYouthArtsFoundation #ArtInThePark #PerformingArts #MillerPerformingArts

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 07 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD – Listen to Danny Hicks, senior sports correspondent for AFP wax lyrical to me about the Tokyo Olympic Games – scheduled to open on 23 July. Seven years ago, Tokyo billed itself as a “a safe pair of hands.” But now, plagued with scandal, controversy and a global pandemic which forced it to be postponed for one year, it seems the Games might even be scrapped altogether.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #DannyHicks #AFP #SPORT AFPsport #IOC #OlympicGames #Tokyo2020

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 06 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Imagine spending 10 years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit? This was the scary reality Rusty Labuschagne lived for a decade, before he was released in 2013 for being wrongfully accused of murdering a fish poacher. He talks to me about the harrowing experience and how he overcame the worst decade f his life.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #BeatingChains #RustyLabuschagne #chikurubi #PrisonLife #Jail #Zimbabwe #Harare

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 05 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES, CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. For the first time in the history the Gay Games will be hosted in Asia - in Hong Kong from November 2022. Lisa Lam and Dennis Philipsee – co-chairs for the GAY GAMES 22 chat to me about the history of the games and the challenges faced when hosting such a large sporting event.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL211ZGJldHdlZW55b3VydG9lcy9mZWVkLnhtbA%3D%3D
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes#PeterWood#Petewoodhk #GG22 #GAYGAMES2022 #Sport #LGBTQ #LGBTQsport #GAYGAMES11 #Hong Kong