Mud Between Your Toes is a memoir about my life - a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. This podcast started as an audio version of the book, but has now evolved into a series of conversations -- mostly of an African theme -- with characters and personalities with stories to tell. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES, CONVERSATIONS WITH NIGEL SIMMONDS, EATING THE WIND. In my first podcast of the year, I am joined by editor, publisher and author of Eating the Wind. Nigel Simmonds has spent more than half his life in Asia — in Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia — chronicling the lives and foibles of the rich and famous as a columnist for the South China Morning Post's once-revered Lai See column, before taking the helm of the high society glossy magazine Tatler and Bali’s sophisticated The Yak Magazine. He chats to me about his latest book, Eating the Wind and discusses the highs and lows of trying to escape the rat race.
Buy Eating the Wind: amzn.to/3ETFjOB
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/alyT9
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #EatingTheWind #NigelSimmonds #Bali #YakMagazine #Tatler #SCMP #Indonesia #NigelBali @NigelBali @TheYakMagazine

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
This podcast is all about vaginas—medical grade vaginas. I speak to “Vagina Betty” McCarthy about—err—vaginas. And a few other body parts.
Season 03 - Episode 23 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETER WOOD. I first met Erica “Vagina Betty” McCarthy back in 2008 in Hong Kong. She was on her way to a factory in China to see her first ever prototype medical grade vagina. “What the hell is a medical grade vagina?” I asked. My scant knowledge of false vaginas stretched to rather awful products in the window of Ann Summers. You can listen to Erica patiently explain the importance life-like body parts (and vaginas) play in the medical world.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #OneWorldDMG #gynaecology #gynaecologists #vaginas #pharma #USAmedical #PatientCompliance #MammoVest #EpesioPants #Cancer #BreastCancer #Health #CancerAustralia #CANSA #FemaleHealth

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
SEASON 03 - EPISODE 22 - MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES, CONVERSATIONS: AFP’s sports correspondent Danny Hicks, speaks to me from Hiroshima, where he regales us with all the news and gossip following the Tokyo2020 Olympic Games.
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts. https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #PeterWoodHK #Tokyo2020 #OlympicGames #Sport#AFP #AFPsport #DannyHicks #Japan #Tokyo

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
SEASON 03. EPISODE 21. Journalist Lynne O’Donnell is in Afghanistan to witness the departure of the NATO troops after 18 years. As the Taliban rush to fill the void in the war-torn country, she talks to me about worrying threats to kidnap girls and women, raising concerns about them effectively becoming sex slaves.
Lynne O’Donnell has an MA in War Studies from King’s College London and she’s the author of a fascinating book called High Tea in Mosul: The True Story of Two Englishwomen in War-Torn Iraq.
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts. https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
#LynneODonnell #HighTeaInMosul #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #Journalism #Lynnekod #War #Taliban

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Season03, Episode 20 - Last week, South Africa experienced some of the worst violence in modern times. The rainbow nation, with arguably the world’s most liberal constitution, erupted into violent riots, sparked by a toxic mix of unemployment, corruption, political tension, and tribal nationalism following the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma.
As the world looked on in shock, I ask veteran journalist, Peta Thornycroft, how Africa’s poster child for equality and economic progress, descended into such chaos.
Photos: Top L: Veteran journalist, Peta Thornycroft. Top R: Former SA President, Jacob Zuma.
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/ #MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #SouthAfrica #PetaThornycroft #Telegraph #TheDailyTelegraph #Zimbabwe #JacobZuma #Ramaphosa

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Former World Bank Country Director for Central Africa, international spokesman on Africa and 1968 Quebec Rhodes Scholar, Robert Calderisi chats to me about his critically acclaimed book, The Trouble with Africa: Why foreign Aid isn’t working, chosen by The Economist magazine as one of the best books of 2006, and his latest book, Cecil Rhodes and Other Statues: Dealing Plainly with the Past, released this July. Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/ #MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #RobertCalderisi #WorldBank #Africa Poverty #Economy #TheTroubleWithAfrica #CecilRhodesAndOtherStatues #RhodesMustFall #CecilRhodes
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
When South African journalist, Mary Lloyd, moved from Hong Kong to Australia to work for the ABC, her dreams of big skies and 4WD road trips came crashing down after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Mary opens up to me about her battle during the COVID-19 pandemic.
When South African journalist, Mary Lloyd, moved from Hong Kong to Australia to work for the ABC, she thought her dream of big skies and 4WD road trips had come true.
Her husband, Channel 10 newsreader Hugh Riminton and their 3 young children were ill-prepared for the heartbreaking cancer battle Mary had to endure – and right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mary opens up to me about the battle of having chemotherapy in a hospital whilst enduring rigid COVID-19 isolation.
Photos. Mary Lloyd and her family: husband Hugh and children, Coco (15), Jacob (12) and Holly (9)
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia.https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood#Petewoodhk @MaryLloyd4 #Mary_Lloyd_Photography #Cancer #BreastCancer #Health #CancerAustralia #CANSA #COVID-19

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
British actor Nick Reding, best known for his role as PC Ramsey in ITV’s The Bill, left the comfort of the West End to found S.A.F.E Kenya – an NGO dedicated to combatting female genital cutting, HIV/AIDS, education on sexual reproduction, hygiene, water sanitation and violent extremism
Season 03 - Episode 17 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Nick Reding is possibly best known for his role as the tough, but loveable East End cop, PC Pete Ramsey in ITV’s drama, The Bill. But despite a successful and comfortable acting career, which included roles in Silent Witness, The Constant Gardener and Angels in America, he left the bright lights of London to found S.A.F.E. (Sponsored Arts for Education) a "Kenyan NGO and UK charity that uses street theatre and community programmes to educate, inspire and deliver social change". Their campaigns include the eradication of the barbaric Female Genital Cutting (FGC), HIV/AIDS, education on sexual reproduction, hygiene, water sanitation and violent extremism.
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #NickReding #SAFEKenya #Kenya #FGC #HIV #TheBill #TheConstantGardener #DanielCraig #LilyCole

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Gary Stokes, co-founder of OceansAsia and former director of Sea Shepherd Asia, chats about the illegal fishing industry, sharks fins, pollution and his role in the Netflix blockbuster, SEASPIRACY.
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 16 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. The former Director of Sea Shepherd Asia – Gary Stokes, co-founder of OceansAsia, has spent the past twenty years investigating and exposing the shark fin industry, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, COVID-19 facemasks & plastic pollution, reef propagation and the use of marine animals in traditional Chinese medicine. More recently, he appeared in the Netflix blockbuster documentary film SEASPIRACY, which went directly to #1 in USA, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong and the top 5 globally.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk OceansAsia #SeaShepherd #GaryStokes #Pollution #GlobalWarming #Fishing #Conservtion #Extinction
Gary Stokes, co-founder of OceansAsia and former director of Sea Shepherd Asia, chats about the illegal fishing industry, sharks fins, pollution and his role in the Netflix blockbuster, SEASPIRACY.
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
The former Director of Sea Shepherd Asia – Gary Stokes, co-founder of OceansAsia, has spent the past twenty years investigating and exposing the shark fin industry, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, COVID-19 facemasks & plastic pollution, reef propagation and the use of marine animals in traditional Chinese medicine. More recently, he appeared in the Netflix blockbuster documentary film SEASPIRACY, which went directly to #1 in USA, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong and the top 5 globally.
Photo: Gary Stokes, co-founder of OceansAsia.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk #OceansASsia #Seaspiracy #GaryStokes #RainbowWarrior #SeaShepherd #environment #pollution #TheFinMovie #EnvironmentalFilmFestival #DavidAttenborough #SirDavidAttenborough

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In 1898, Ewart Grogan became the first man to walk from Cape to Cairo – for love. Over 100 years later, Julian Smith, author of Crossing the Heart of Africa, followed in his footsteps – also for love.
This podcast began as an audio version of my book, Mud Between Your Toes – a memoir about my life – a gay, white boy growing up during the 1970s Rhodesian Bush War. It has now evolved into a series of conversations with characters and personalities with stories to tell – occasionally on an African theme.
Season 03 - Episode 15 of MUD BETWEEN YOUR TOES CONVERSATIONS WITH PETE WOOD. Journalist Julian Smith is madly in love with his girlfriend of seven years . . . but terrified by the idea of making a lifelong commitment.
Inspired by the story of British adventurer Ewart Grogan, who marched the length of Africa in 1898 to win the hand of the woman he loved, Julian faces down his fears by retracing an incredible 4,500-mile journey from South Africa to Sudan, just months before his own wedding.
Crossing the Heart of Africa is the unforgettable account of these twin adventures, beautifully interweaving Julian's contemporary journey with Grogan’s larger-than-life tale of charging elephants, cannibal attacks, deadly jungles and romantic triumph.
Photos: L: Writer, Julian Smith. R: Explorer, Ewart Grogan.
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on iPHONE/Apple Podcasts.https://apple.co/32QTumi
Listen to Mud Between Your Toes podcasts on Android/Samsung/Nokia. https://shorturl.at/anwFV
Listen via the APP: https://mudbetweenyourtoes.podbean.com/
#MudBetweenYourToes #PeterWood #Petewoodhk